jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015


Photo: Toni Otero


The Andalusian Institute of Yoga and the online magazine Yoga en Red announce the 1st INTERNATIONAL YOGA & MEDITATION PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO AWARDS to celebrate the I International Day of Yoga on Jun 21, as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.
The organisers wish to promote yoga & meditation practices(asana, pranayama, and dhyana) and the values related to this practice (yama, niyama, and sila), as well as the positive effects it has for people’s wellbeing, and the influence on peace and harmony of society.   It is therefore with those ends in mind that we announce these awards based on a collaborative and participative spirit , where the awarded photo and video will not only have good technical quality but also will help spread the essence and values of this ancient practice.

1- Eligibility:

Any person is eligible to enter the contest, with the exception of jury members, board members, and employees of both Yoga en Red and IAYoga.

2- Categories: Theme: Yoga
                              Theme: Meditation 

3- Submission guidelines:

Contestants may submit up to two original and unpublished photos and one video. By entering the contest, all entrants warrant their materials are original and do not infringe on any third party’s rights, and agree to release and hold the sponsors harmless from any liability for any legal or economic claim derived from this clause infringement.


Photos must be in digital format (taken with a digital camera). Admitted format is high quality JPG with a resolution of 3,475 pixels or greater on their longer side.

All photos will be taken using sRGB color space. 

Entries will include a title followed by the Passport or ID number and entrant’s nationality.

No digitally altered or enhanced photos will be admitted. Neither will photo montages or cropped images. Photo editing can only include brightness adjustment, contrast, and white balance in order to improve visualization.


Videos will be uploaded in high definition and quality to any video platform (vimeo, youtube, etc.) with restricted privacy settings so they remain unpublished and only accessed by the juror. 

Entrants will send the link for private visualization via form on the IAYoga web. 

Http: // www.iayoga.org/photo - video - yoga-awards-2015.html   

When requested, 1st prize awarded entry will be submitted to sponsors in high definition and indicated medium


Entry submission period begins on announcement date and ends June 19, 2015. Only entries submitted during these dates will be accepted. They will be submitted via web form on the IAYoga web. To access follow this link: http://www.iayoga.org/photo--video-yoga-awards-2015.html

5- JURY: 

Judging will be conducted by renowned professional photographers and film directors, a member of Yoga en Red, and a member of IAYoga. Entries will be judged on their content and technical criteria. 

Deliberations and winner notification will take place on June 21, International Day of Yoga.


    Winners will be selected on the following criteria:

Video: How well the entry captures the values and essence of the theme.

Photo: How well the entry captures the values and essence of the theme.

Prizes: Winning works will be published and broadcasted nationally and internationally as winner’s recognition and a tribute to Yoga. Additional prizes will be eventually disclosed.


Awarded and non-awarded entries will become sole property of IAYoga, and entrants will grant IAYoga the right to publish them and/or use them to spread yoga and meditation values, as well as health, peace, education, peace, environment preservation, and other ethic and positive values, always mentioning the author. 

IAYoga will also request and allow Yoga en Red to publish all awarded entries citing the authors. IAYoga will also publish them on its regular dissemination channels, always citing the authors.

The use of all entries is regulated by intellectual property laws. 

Twelve photos will be selected  to be included in the 2016 IAYoga Calendar. Funds raised from commercialization of calendar will be used to promote yoga among youth and children, particularly to support the sponsor’s Yoga for Foster Kids Program, always citing the authors.


Jurors can declare the contest void, and their decisions are final. By participating entrants agree to all contest rules.
Date of award will eventually be notified to winners

DATA PROTECTION : According to the Spanish Data Protection Organic Law 15/1999, IAYoga will keep all data included in web forms, and will use it to promote photographic contests or activities the IAYoga sponsors or collaborates.

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