lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

On articles about yoga & meditation. Joaquín G Weil. Blog hop--a series of writers answering questions about their writing.

Our fellow in yoga practice, Marta Moreno co-editor of COLLAGE magazine, an independent multilingual online publication, since 200, invited me to participate in a blog hop--a series of writers answering questions about their writing.

1) What am I working on/writing?
Currently, I am mostly writing articles about yoga and meditation. This is the link to my section in
And here’s a link to the English translation of one of my articles:

3) How does my work/writing differ from others of its genre?
Personally, I think that each writer has his or her own style. The scope for yoga and meditation articles in Spanish is not so big. In my case, I try to write from my personal experience, with insight and a sense of humour.

4) Why do I write what I do?
I mainly focus on either original topics or subjects with a universal and eternal quality - but approached from a fresh point of view.  What prompts me to write about a certain theme is finding it unusual or remarkable. With due respect, I try to shake up the reader, which is a way of shaking up myself.

5) How does my writing process work?

In general have three or four ideas for possible articles, with their title and subject topic. Every week I choose one of these topics and I write a first draft  in two or three hours. Then I leave it to rest and I revise it and modify it during the following two or three days. During this revision process I come up with new ideas for future articles. Sometimes, the ideas for my writing are born while teaching at our yoga and meditation centre.

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